1. Important Note: Search twice for singular and plural: 1. Yoga mat AND 2. yoga mats.
Trend analysis graph
Donald Trump's administration and rising tariffs have changed almost every industry since 2017! The ...
Big Data and Listthe's Story
Listthe's founder Niklas Vesely talking about big data and how he as a sourcing manager built a tool that was better at ranking factories ...
How to find the best manufacturer
10 steps to find the world’s best factory. Finding the best factory is a key step towards becoming a leader in your segment...
How to write a production inquiry to a factory
Based on your first email, factories decide if they will work with you or not. Be concise and professional. Only write comprehensive ...
Why does Listthe suggest Freightos for your shipments?
Listthe connects companies with everything they need to arrange great productions. Most productions are arranged by Chinese factories...
Listthe’s source of information
Listthe is the most trustworthy source of factory-information on the internet. Let that sink in first...
Amazon incentivizes vendors to disregard CE regulations
Competition on Amazon is getting fiercer every year, lowering vendors’ profit margins and decreasing their sales of individual products.
What is Listthe
Listthe lets users scan USA ocean imports to find their most suitable supplier, based on the historical information, experience and ...