Listthe UG (Haftungsbeschränkt)
Umsatz ID: DE318802128
Registration No. HRB 736860
Eythstr.11, 89075 Ulm, Germany
Phone: +491758782223
Terms and Conditions
Information displayed by is the property of Listthe UG (Haftungsbeschränkt), Germany.
The data and information on is protected from copying, i-framing and especially but not
limited to re-selling under German and international copyright and intellectual property laws. acquires and combines
large data sets currently consisting of over one billion data points from multiple sources globally including but not limited to customs offices.
While we do try to get all accessible data, our data will always be incomplete. Based on the large quantity of data points we offer,
we cannot and do not check the correctness of all individual records or data points. We cannot and do not guaranty the correctness of the data we have collected.
Listthe's data analysis tools shall be a supporting source of insights, but never the main reason for any business decision. Before working with a new factory or buyer you must do
your own due diligence outside of’s data is bought in bulk. If your data appears on, it means that at some point of time this information was published by one or multiple government sources.
This also means that your business itself, or another company did not hide your information correctly and it became public property. Your information will therefor most likely not only be shown on but also within multiple other sources of information.
Yes, we can remove your information from
Finding your company’s information in our back-end system and deleting your company’s information from there takes time and requires our management to hire programming experts. Therefor we must charge for this service.
Depending on the amount of information about you or your company showing on, we will offer a custom quotation to remove your data and for a phone consultation on how to prevent your company from leaking confidential information again in the future.
Deleting the data from will not make the data disappear from the internet. Therefor we highly suggest making full use of the consultation.
You can unregister and request us to delete your account by simply emailing us from your registered email address the following information:
I would like to unregister and delete my account on Listthe. I am sending this email from the same email address, which I used to register on Listthe. My username is “__________”.
Your account will be unregistered and deleted within two weeks.
After paying for the full access, it can take up to 24 hours for your account to be activated and granted full access. However, we try our best to activate your account within less than 6 hours.
After paying for the raw data, it can take up to 48 hours for you to receive a download link for the data.
By using you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- It is illegal to crawl and / or scrape or parts thereof. Crawling and scraping are considered data-theft. First time violations will be charged 15 USD per page crawled and / or scraped.
- Court location for any disputes is Ulm, Germany. All disputes will be handled under German law.
- Listthe uses cookies to automatically prevent users from doing multiple searches with Listthe’s free version, and to ensure that you do not need to login every time you close and re-open your browser.
- Listthe uses third party services and code from companies such as but not limited to Google, Facebook and Hotjar to learn about its users, contact its users and improve its service.
- Listthe's team may contact you by email, add you to Listthe's newsletter and in exceptional cases contact you by phone.
- Listthe is not liable for any third-party content. We link to multiple other websites, but we cannot control their content and/or offerings. Links to third parties are to be regarded as only a suggestion of what might be interesting to you.
- Listthe may advertise with the company names and logo(s) of its registered users. By registering you accept that your company’s name and logo(s) can be used by Listthe UG on and on Listthe’s marketing materials such as but not limited to YouTube advertisements, printed banners, online banners, and more. You can at any time request in written form that Listthe UG deletes your logo(s) and name from Listthe UG’s marketing materials. Listthe UG will do so within four weeks after reading your inquiry. Your email is considered read when Listthe UG sends a confirmation. If you did not receive an answer, please use another email address to email us or send us a postal letter. We try (but cannot guarantee) to answer all inquiries within 48 hours.
Deleting Your or Your Company’s Information from’s data is bought in bulk. If your data appears on, it means that at some point of time this information was published by one or multiple government sources.
This also means that your business itself, or another company did not hide your information correctly and it became public property. Your information will therefor most likely not only be shown on but also within multiple other sources of information.
Yes, we can remove your information from
Finding your company’s information in our back-end system and deleting your company’s information from there takes time and requires our management to hire programming experts. Therefor we must charge for this service.
Depending on the amount of information about you or your company showing on, we will offer a custom quotation to remove your data and for a phone consultation on how to prevent your company from leaking confidential information again in the future.
Deleting the data from will not make the data disappear from the internet. Therefor we highly suggest making full use of the consultation.
Unregistering & Deleting Your Account:
You can unregister and request us to delete your account by simply emailing us from your registered email address the following information:
I would like to unregister and delete my account on Listthe. I am sending this email from the same email address, which I used to register on Listthe. My username is “__________”.
Your account will be unregistered and deleted within two weeks.
Paying For Full Access:
After paying for the full access, it can take up to 24 hours for your account to be activated and granted full access. However, we try our best to activate your account within less than 6 hours.
Raw Data Purchases:
After paying for the raw data, it can take up to 48 hours for you to receive a download link for the data.